In December 2021, the Green Heart of Kenya launched the development of its 2 flagship residential projects namely the Green Heart of Kenya Village and The Sanctuary. Additionally, in collaboration with 14 Trees, we launched the development of Mvule Gardens, another affordable housing development in The Gateway development, the Green Heart of Kenya’s first mixed
Takaungu Regeneration Project Ltd. has brought together angel investor, Federico Pirzio-Biroli, and equity partner, Savo Project Developers Ltd., on the first 50-acre phase of a regenerative town development in Kilifi, on the coast of Kenya.The Green Heart of Kenya is a regenerative town and productive agricultural landscape across 750 acres in Kilifi, on the coast
Ecosystems, unique biodiversity, wetlands, grasslands, and water resources are continually diminishing because of humanity’s unquenchable thirst for growth. The global population constantly seeks better living conditions, roads, houses, larger facilities, and more modern amenities. Although development is appreciated in the context of its socio-economic significance, the place of the environment in all of this is